All-Hands Presentations

All-Hands Presentation:  May 23, 2024

Assessing Climate Impacts on Coastal-Urban Flooding through High-Resolution Barotropic and Baroclinic Ocean Coupling

 by Steven Brus and Coleman Blakely

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All-Hands Presentation:  April 25, 2024

Proceeding from Surface to Sensitivity Confronting a Perturbed Parameter Ensemble with ARM Observations

 by Daniel McCoy

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All-Hands Presentation:  April 11, 2024

EAMxx Infrastructure

Designing a Next Generation Global Atmosphere Model

 by Aaron S. Donahue

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 14, 2024

The Regionally Refined and Doubly-Periodic Configurations: Running SCREAM Without Breaking the Bank

 by Peter Bogenshutz

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All-Hands Presentation:  February 29, 2024

Evaluating SCREAM’s Climate Sensitivity and Skill in Representing the Present-Day ‘Climate’

 by Chris Terai

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All-Hands Presentation:  February 16, 2024

The Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model Running on the Frontier Exascale System

 by Luca Bertagna

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All-Hands Presentation:  January 25, 2024

Organizational Strategies that Helped SCREAM Win the Gordon Bell

 by Peter Caldwell

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All-Hands Presentation:  October 26, 2023

Human-Earth Feedbacks with E3SM-GCAM

 by Alan Di Vittorio

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All-Hands Presentation:  October 12, 2023

Framework for Antarctic System Science in E3SM

 by Matt Hoffman

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All-Hands Presentation:  August 17, 2023

Study for Exascale Advances in a High-resolution Ocean Using ROMS Coupled to E3SM (SEAHORCE)

BER & ASCR Scidac 5 project

 by Robert Hetland

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All-Hands Presentation:  August 03, 2023

Improving the QBO through Surrogate-Accelerated Parameter Optimization and Vertical Grid

 by Jim Benedict

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All-Hands Presentation:  July 20, 2023

Overview of MPAS-SI-MPM

 by Deborah Sulsky

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All-Hands Presentation:  June 22, 2023

Improving Projections of AMOC and its Collapse Through Advanced Simulations (ImPACTS) Project Overview

 by Luke Van Roekel

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All-Hands Presentation:  June 8, 2023

Capturing the Dynamics of Compound Flooding in E3SM

 by Gautam Bisht

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All-Hands Presentation:  May 25, 2023

Perturbed Parameter Ensembles (PPE) Forcing, Feedback and Parameter Uncertainty

 by Andrew Gettelman

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All-Hands Presentation:  April 27, 2023

How Numerical Tracers and Water Isotope Ratios Help Us Better Understand the Hydrological Cycle and Its Representation in Earth System Models

 by Rich Fiorella

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All-Hands Presentation:  April 13, 2023

PAESCAL SciDAC5 Project Overview

 by Hui Wan

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 16, 2023

The BOSS Microphysics Framework

 by Sean Patrick Santos

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 2, 2023

Autotuning E3SM Using a Surrogate Model for Climatological Spatial Fields

 by Drew Yarger, Benjamin Wagman

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All-Hands Presentation:  February 9, 2023

E3SM Phase 3 Reporting Tutorial

 by Mark Petersen, Renata McCoy

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All-Hands Presentation:  June 23, 2022

Improving Shortwave Radiation Schemes in ELM: Sub-grid Topography, Snow Grain Shape, and Light Absorbing Particles

 by Dalei Hao

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All-Hands Presentation:  June 9, 2022

E3SM New Feature Integration and Testing Process

 by Mark Taylor

E3SM New Feature Integration Policy

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All-Hands Presentation:  May 26, 2022

Modeling Human-Earth Feedbacks: GCAM-E3SM Coupling

 by Alan Di Vittorio

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All-Hands Presentation:  May 12, 2022

How Many Ensemble Members Do We Need? 

Analyzing two IC large ensembles through an ‘extreme’ lens.

 by Claudia Tebaldi

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All-Hands Presentation:  April 28, 2022

Enabling Aerosol-Cloud Interactions at GLobal Convection-Permitting scalES (EAGLES)

 by Po-Lun Ma

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 31, 2022

Effective Radiative Forcing of Anthropogenic Aerosols in E3SM v1 and v2

 by Kai Zhang

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 17, 2022

Impact of the P3 Cloud Microphysics on Simulation of Mesoscale Convective Systems in E3SM Regionally Refined Model (RRM)

 by Jiwen Fan

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 3, 2022

Introduction to the YAKL C++ Portability Library

 by Matt Norman

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All-Hands Presentation:  February 17, 2022

Historical and Future Projection Simulations by the Global Coupled E3SMv1.0 Model as Used in CMIP6

 by Xue Zheng

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All-Hands Presentation:  February 3, 2022
The Doubly Periodic SCREAM Configuration

 by Peter Bogenshutz

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All-Hands Presentation:  January 20, 2022
Model and Simulation Campaign
Part 2: v2 Low Resolution Ocean and Sea Ice Results

 by Luke Van Roekel

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All-Hands Presentation:  November 18, 2021
Model and Simulation Campaign
Part 1: Overview of Coupled Simulations at Low-Resolution

 by Chris Golaz

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All-Hands Presentation:  October 28, 2021
Towards Improving Crop Representation in ELM

 by Eva Sinha

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All-Hands Presentation:  September 30, 2021
The E3SM Cryosphere Simulation Campaign: Wrapping up v1 and Looking Towards v2

 by Darin Comeau

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All-Hands Presentation:  September 16, 2021
Development and Evaluation of Computationally Efficient Treatments of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) for E3SM

 by Manish Shrivistava

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All-Hands Presentation:  September 2, 2021
Antarctic Dense Water Formation in Coastal and Open-Ocean Polynyas in E3SM-HR

 by Hyien Jeong and Milena Veneziani

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All-Hands Presentation:  August 19, 2021

Running and Analyzing E3SM: Water Cycle Group’s Approach

by Ryan Forsyth and Chris Golaz

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All-Hands Presentation:  August 5, 2021

Revised Process Coupling Reduces Time-step Sensitivities in Subtropical Low Clouds in EAMv1

by Hui Wan

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All-Hands Presentation:  July 22, 2021

ELM-FATES Updates: Impacts of Dynamic Vegetation and Plant Demography in E3SM

by Jennifer Holm and Ryan Knox

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All-Hands Presentation:  June 24, 2021

Time-Stepping Methods for PDEs and Ocean Models

by Siddhartha Bishnu

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All-Hands Presentation:  May 27, 2021

Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainty in the E3SM Land Model Using Surrogate Modeling

by Daniel M. Ricciuto and Khachik Sargsyan

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BGC Webinar:  May 25, 2021

Interactive Chemistry for E3SM: Capabilities and Initial Results

by Qi Tang

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All-Hands Presentation:  May 13, 2021

Climate Responses to Emissions Reductions Due to COVID-19

by Hailong Wang

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All-Hands Presentation:  May 6, 2021

A First Look at the E3SMv1 Large Ensemble

by Samantha Stevenson

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BGC Webinar:  April 27, 2021

Chemistry-Climate Interactions from Perturbations of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Emissions

by Jean-Francois Lamarque

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All-Hands Presentation:  April 1, 2021

COMPASS Overview

by Ian Kraucunas, Vanessa Bailey, Rob Hetland and Peter Thornton

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 18, 2021

Evaluation of the P3 Microphysics in E3SMv2

by Jacob (Koby) Shpund

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 4, 2021

Towards Multi-Scale Modeling of Ocean Surface Turbulent Mixing Using Coupled MPAS-Ocean and PALM

by Qing Li and Luke Van Roekel

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All-Hands Presentation:  February 4, 2021

E3SMv1.1 Biogeochemistry Simulation Campaign – Overview of Configuration and Historical Simulations (JAMES, 2020)

by Susannah Burrows

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All-Hands Presentation:  January 21, 2021

Quantifying, Attributing, and Understanding Time Step Sensitivities in the E3SMv1 Atmosphere Model

by Hui Wan

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All-Hands Presentation:  December 10, 2020

Conservation of Dry Air, Water, and Energy in CAM (and EAM) and its Impact on Tropical Rainfall

by Bryce Harrop

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All-Hands Presentation:  October 1, 2020

Creation of an SST Variability Metric for E3SM

by LeAnn Conlon

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All-Hands Presentation:  September 17, 2020

High-Order, Property-Preserving Semi-Lagrangian Tracer Transport and Physics-Dynamics-Grid Remap in EAMv2

by Andrew M. Bradley

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All-Hands Presentation:  September 3, 2020

Debugging E3SM Atmosphere Model

by Balwinder Singh

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BGC Webinar:  August 25, 2020

Hurricanes and Ocean Biogeochemistry

by Karthik Balaguru

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All-Hands Presentation:  August 20, 2020

Introduction to E3SM Diagnostics Package (e3sm_diags v2)

by Jill Zhang

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All-Hands Presentation:  August 6, 2020

An Introduction to MPAS-Analysis

by Xylar Asay-Davis

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BGC Webinar:  July 28, 2020

Quantifying Drivers of Uncertainty in Land Model Predictions from Site to Global Scales Using Machine Learning

by Daniel Ricciuto

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All-Hands Presentation:  July 23, 2020

Progress update:  High-resolution Offline ELM Simulation over North America

by Peter Thornton

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All-Hands Presentation:  July 9, 2020

Machine Learning Approaches to Ensure Statistical Reproducibility of ESM Simulations

by Salil Mahajan

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All-Hands Presentation:  June 25, 2020

Unstructured Wave Modeling in E3SM

by Steven Brus

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All-Hands Presentation:  June 11, 2020

Tipping Points in Melting Beneath Antarctic Ice Shelves, A Tale of Two Ice Shelves

by Matt Hoffman

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All-Hands Presentation:  June 4, 2020

Performance Analytics for Computational Experiments (PACE)

by Sarat Sreepathi

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BGC Webinar:  May 26, 2020

Using Stable Carbon Isotopes to Constrain Terrestrial Biosphere Water Use Efficiency

by Lisa Welp

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All-Hands Presentation:  May 14, 2020

Wildfire Modeling with E3SM and Machine Learning Techniques

by Qing Zhu

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All-Hands Presentation:  April 30, 2020

Representation of Modes of Variability (MoV) in 6 U.S. Climate Models

by Clara Orbe

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BGC Webinar:  April 28, 2020

Advancing Crop Modeling from Field to Regional Scales to Assess Agroecosystem Productivity, Sustainability, and Climate Adaptions

by Kaiyu Guan

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All-Hands Presentation:  April 23, 2020

Coupling Stochastic Convection Parametrerization with ZM in E3SM

by Guang Zhang

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BGC Webinar:  March 31, 2020

Carbon Cycle Results in CMIP6: Implications for Carbon Budgets and Next Steps

by Chris Jones

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All-Hands Presentation:  March 26, 2020


by Peter Caldwell

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All-Hands Presentation: February 27, 2020


Data Analysis and Modeling of Land-Atmosphere Interactions

by Xubin Zeng

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BGC Webinar:  January 28, 2020

Advancing Our Understanding of the Impacts of Historic and Projected Land Use in the Earth System

by David Lawrence

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All-Hands Presentation:  December 19, 2019

Surface-Flux Driven Water Mass Transformation Analysis in E3SM Simulations

by Hyein Jeong

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BGC Webinar:  October 29, 2019

Reducing Uncertainty in Biogeochemical Interactions Through Synthesis and Computation

by Forrest Hoffman

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All-Hands Presentation:  October 17, 2019

MPAS-Ocean Simulation Quality for Variable-Resolution North American Coastal Meshes

by Kristin Hoch and Kevin Rosa

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BGC Webinar:  September 24, 2019

Uncertainty Quantification Methods and Applications for the E3SM Land Model

by Daniel M. Ricciuto and Khachik Sargsyan

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All-Hands Presentation:  September 19, 2019

Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) Changes in E3SM

by Yaga Richter

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Coupled BGC Webinar:  August 27, 2019

Carbon–Water Cycle Interactions: How Do Plant Physiological Responses to Rising CO2 Impact the Water Cycle and Climate Extremes in the Tropics?

by Gabe Kooperman

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BGC Webinar:  July 23, 2019

Disturbance at the Threshold: When Does Tree Mortality Break the Forest Carbon Cycle?

by Chris Gough

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BGC Webinar:  June 25, 2019

Radiocarbon Constraints on the Carbon Cycle in the E3SM Land Model

by Qing Zhu


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All-Hands Presentation:  June 20, 2019

Improved Modeling of Precipitation in E3SM’s EAMv1 Model

by Shaocheng Xie


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BGC Webinar:  May 28, 2019

Forestry and Land Use Impacts on Land Carbon Storage

by Anders Ahlström


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All-Hands Presentation:  May 16, 2019

Recent Findings from the E3SM Cryosphere Science Campaign

by Darin Comeau, Milena Veneziani and Xylar Asay-Davis


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BGC Webinar:  April 23, 2019

Impact of Parameterized Lateral Mixing on Global Biogeochemical Cycling in Earth System Models

by Anand Gnanadesikan


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All-Hands Presentation:  April 18, 2019

DEMSI: Discrete Element Model for Sea Ice

by Adrian Turner


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All-Hands Presentation:  Feb. 21, 2019

Improving the Representation of River Processes in E3SM

by Tian Zhou


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BGC Webinar:  Jan. 22, 2019

Updates to the Crop Model in ELM: Roots, Planting, and Future Directions

by Beth Drewniak


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All-Hands Presentation:  Jan. 17, 2019

Towards Efficient Time-stepping Methods for Ocean Modeling with Highly Nonuniform Grids – Talk 1 of 6 (Introduction)

by Max Grunzburger


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All-Hands Presentation:  Jan. 17, 2019

Conservative Explicit Local Time-Stepping Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations – Talk 2 of 6

by Lili Ju


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All-Hands Presentation:  Jan. 17, 2019

Exponential Integrators with Fast and Slow Mode Splitting for Multilayer Ocean Models – Talk 3 of 6

by Konstantin Pieper


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All-Hands Presentation:  Jan. 17, 2019

Localized Exponential Time Differencing Methods Based on Domain Decomposition – Talk 4 of 6

by Zhu Wang


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All-Hands Presentation:  Jan. 17, 2019

Exponential Time Differencing for the Tracer Equations Appearing in Primitive Equation Ocean Models – Talk 5 of 6

by Sara Calandrini


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All-Hands Presentation:  Jan. 17, 2019

Hamiltonian Structure Preserving Reduced Order Modeling (HSP-ROM) for the Shallow Water Equations – Talk 6 of 6

by K. Chad Sockwell


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BGC Webinar:  Nov. 27, 2018

Weaker Land-climate Feedbacks from Nutrient Uptake During Photosynthesis Inactive Periods

by William Riley


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All-Hands Presentation:  Oct. 4, 2018

The Estuary Model for E3SM

by Joseph Zhang


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All-Hands Presentation:  Aug. 16, 2018

Atmosphere-land-ocean-ice interface processes in E3SM

by Xubin Zeng


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All-Hands Presentation:  June 14, 2018

The EAM Single Column Model

by Peter Bogenschutz


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All-Hands Presentation:  June 14, 2018

Marine/sea ice BGC in E3SM

by Shanlin Wang


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All-Hands Presentation:  April 12, 2018

Impact of Numerical Choices on Water Conservation in the E3SM Atmosphere Model

by Kai Zhang


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All-Hands Presentation:  April 12, 2018

Multi-Physics Problem Library for Terrestrial Biophysics Processes:  Initial Development & Applications

by Gautam Bisht and William Riley


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Chris Golaz presentation image

All-Hands Presentation:  Jan. 25, 2018

E3SM v1 Water Cycle Model for DECK and CMIP6 Submissions

by Chris Golaz


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All-Hands Presentation:  Dec. 21, 2017

Exploring the Full Potential of the E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAM) V1 in Simulating Clouds, Precipitation, and Feedbacks

by Po-Lun Ma


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All-Hands Presentation:  Dec. 21, 2017

LEAP-T: Multi-Moment Semi-Lagrangian Tracer Transport

by Andrew Bradley


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All-Hands Presentation:  Oct. 12, 2017

Low-res V1 Water Cycle Model Update

by Chris Golaz


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All-Hands Presentation:  Sept. 28, 2017

Systems Engineering for Mission Driven Modeling

by Peter Thornton


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