
Three new model components are included in the E3SM v1 configuration: Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) Ocean, MPAS Sea Ice, and MPAS Land Ice.

The Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Project is an ongoing, state-of-the-science Earth system modeling, simulation, and prediction project that optimizes the use of DOE laboratory resources to meet the science needs of the nation and the mission needs of DOE. In this context, “laboratory resources” include current and future personnel, programs, and facilities. Collectively, they represent a unique combination of proficiencies in science, engineering, leadership computing, and information technologies—the expertise required to construct, maintain, and advance an Earth system modeling capability needed by the country and DOE.


E3SM Phase 1 (2014-2018) developed the first version (v1) of the E3SM model. E3SM Phase 2 (2018-2022)  expanded and extended this work by further exercising the low- and high-resolution versions of v1, adding available improvements, and exercising the model with regional refinement over North America for v2. Phase 2 also significantly improved model performance, infrastructure, and Earth system capabilities by developing v3-v4 (for use in a Phase 3 simulation campaign).

The E3SM Project will achieve its long-term goal of completing actionable science simulation campaigns with a state-of-the-art Earth system model executing on Office of Science Exascale Computing systems. E3SM Phase 3 (2023-2026) priorities are to

  1. improve the model’s scientific accuracy through substantial reduction of large and persistent biases,
  2. undertake new developments necessary to address the version 3 (v3) and version 4 (v4) science questions,
  3. utilize pre-Exascale and Exascale heterogeneous computing systems at Office of Science Leadership Computing Facilities (LCF)
  4. enable the broader use and extensible development of the E3SM model by DOE-funded scientists.


E3SMv3 will implement our three-pronged strategy for advancing Earth system modeling for actionable science: applying high-resolution models, representing human–Earth interactions, and quantifying uncertainty for our science themes of Water Cycle Changes and Impacts, Human-Earth System Feedbacks, and Polar Processes, Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Impacts. 

The E3SM project will assert and maintain an international scientific leadership position in the development of Earth system models capable of performing simulations that address the most critical scientific questions for the nation and DOE.

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