
2021 Spring All-Hands Meeting Materials Available

2021 Spring All-Hands Meeting Materials Available

The Spring All-Hands Meeting videos are available, which include project updates and future plans ...
Flow diagram of gradient boosting machine learning method.

Improving Convection Trigger Functions Using Machine Learning

A novel deep convection trigger function using XGBoost improves precipitation simulation ...
Adding Mesoscale Heating in E3SMv1 Improves MJO and Precipitation

Adding Mesoscale Heating in E3SMv1 Improves MJO and Precipitation

Scientists added a mesoscale heating parameterization to E3SMv1 improving MJO representation ...
Quantifying the Occurrence of Record Hot Years Through Normalized Warming Trends

Quantifying the Occurrence of Record Hot Years Through Normalized Warming Trends

A new study identifies the tropics as an area of frequent record-breaking hot years ...
Illustration of how zppy uses sections of the configuration file and bash/Jinja2 templates to launch various jobs.

Introducing Zppy

This new tool will speed up post-processing of E3SM simulations by automating frequent tasks ...
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