v1 1 deg data: CMIP6

The E3SM version 1 water cycle simulation campaign include standard set of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Characterization of Klima (DECK) simulations. These E3SM simulations at standard resolution  have been completed and the data is publicly available.

Data Resolution

The standard resolution configuration of E3SM v1.0 water cycle configuration has approximate horizontal resolution of 1 deg latitude by 1 deg longitude in atmosphere (110 km grid spacing),  with ocean and sea ice grid of 60 km in the mid-latitudes and 30 km at the equator and poles, and river transport at 55 km horizontal resolution. This model configuration is described in  “v1 1 deg CMIP” page in  Scientifically Validated Configurations.

Reference Paper

For more details, refer to Coupled E3SM v1 Model Overview or directly to the scientific paper (doi:10.1029/2018MS001603), which documents the E3SM model version 1, its almost 3000 years of DECK simulations and discusses the model’s performance.

The datasets include the following experiments

  • piControl – Pre-industrial control (piControl) simulation (500 years)
  • historical – Historical simulations 1850-2014 (165 years) 5 ensembles
  • 1pctCO2 – Prescribed 1% / year CO2 increase (1pctCO2) simulation (150 years)
  • abrupt-4xCO2 – Abrupt CO2 quadrupling (abrupt-4xCO2) simulation (150 years)
  • abrupt-4xCO2-ext300yrs – Abrupt CO2 quadrupling (abrupt-4xCO2) simulation (140-300 years)
  • amip – atmosphere only AMIP simulation 1870-2014 (145 years) 3 ensembles
  • amip_1850_allF – atmosphere only AMIP with all forcings held at 1850 values,  1870-2014 (145 years) 3 ensembles
  • amip_1850_aeroF – atmosphere only AMIP with all aerosol forcings held at 1850 values,  1870-2014 (145 years) 3 ensembles

Download Data

From E3SM project space on the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF):

Available data:

  • Native output data files (many variables, one time stamp per file)
  • Regridded to lat-lon grid output files (many variables, one time stamp per file)
  • Monthly and seasonal climatologies
  • Time series of several important variables

Available simulations:


  • Entire simulation output archived in large files stored on HPSS tape system at NERSC
  • See specific instructions in v1 1deg CMIP6 data on HPSS

Configuration Description

How to search for particular data and data description

Overview Paper on Water Cycle v1 data

  • Golaz, J.-C., P. M. Caldwell, L. P. Van Roekel and co-authors (2019). The DOE E3SM coupled model version 1: Overview and evaluation at standard resolution. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, accepted, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018MS001603
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