v1 1 deg data: BGC

The Biogeochemical Cycles simulation campaign was based on E3SM version v1.1 with two configurations representing different land soil BGC approaches. In standard configuration (“v1.1”) the Converging Trophic Cascade (CTC) biogeochemistry framework was used. The second configuration (“v1.1-ECA”) was an experimental configuration using the Equilibrium Chemical Approximation (ECA) (see “V1 Land and Energy” page for more details). For each configuration 5 experiments were performed. The first one was the pre-industrial control (“piControl”) with perpetual 1850 forcing. The remaining experiments were four “historical” runs that allows for changing forcing according to historical record and spanning 1850-2014. Those experiments are designated: BCRD, BCRD, BDRC, and BDRD. The “C” in the simulation name stands for “constant” meaning CO2 concentrations are held constant throughout the model run while “D” stands for “diagnostic” meaning CO2 concentrations follow historical trajectories between 1850 and 2014. The “B” stands for biogeochemical and refers to the CO2 concentrations seen by the land, ocean and ice models as either constant (BC) or increasing over time from 1850 to 2014 (BD). The “R” stands for radiative and refers to the CO2 concentrations seen by the atmospheric model. Hence, for example, the BDRD simulation, with CO2 concentrations following historical trajectories for the land, ocean and ice as well as the atmosphere, is a fully concentration-driven simulation showing both radiative and biogeochemical climate responses to CO2.

Data Resolution

The standard resolution configuration of E3SM v1 water cycle configuration has approximate horizontal resolution of 1 deg latitude by 1 deg longitude in atmosphere (110 km grid spacing),  with ocean and sea ice grid of 60 km in the mid-latitudes and 30 km at the equator and poles, and river transport at 55 km horizontal resolution. This model configuration is described in  “v1 1 deg CMIP” page in  Scientifically Validated Configurations.

The datasets include the following experiments

Note: In square brackets are the CMIP6 equivalent [activity – experiment] 

  • Biogeochemical Cycle campaign, v1.1 (version with CTC) (1 deg) (designated as “BGC-v1.1” data below, configuration description ‘v1 BGC and Energy’)
    • piControl CNTL CTC (1850) [CMIP – piControl]
    • Historical BDRC CTC.              [C4MIP – hist-bgc]
    • Historical BCRC CTC
    • Historical BDRD CTC.              [CMIP – historical]
    • Historical BCRD CTC
    • ssp585  BDRC CTC.                  [C4MIP – ssp585-bgc]
    • ssp585 BCRC CTC
    • ssp585 BDRD CTC.                   [ScenarioMIP – ssp585]
    • ssp585 BCRD CTC
  • Biogeochemical Cycle campaign, v1.1-ECA (experimental version with ECA) (1 deg) (designated as “BGC-v1.1-ECA” data below, configuration description ‘v1 BGC and Energy’)
    • piControl CNTL ECA (1850) [CMIP – piControl]
    • Historical BDRC ECA               [C4MIP – hist-bgc] 
    • Historical BCRC ECA
    • Historical BDRD ECA               [CMIP – historical] 
    • Historical BCRD ECA
    • ssp585  BDRC CTC.                  [C4MIP – ssp585-bgc]
    • ssp585 BCRC CTC
    • ssp585 BDRD CTC.                   [ScenarioMIP – ssp585]
    • ssp585 BCRD CTC
  • Additionally there are COVID-19 related simulations published to CMIP6 on ESGF, they are:
    • E3SM v1.1 standard resolution BGC data
      • [ ScenarioMIP – ssp245]
      • [DAMIP – ssp245-covid ]

Download Data


From E3SM project space on the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF):

Available data:

  • Native output data files (many variables, one time stamp per file)
  • Regridded to lat-lon grid output files (many variables, one time stamp per file)
  • Monthly and seasonal climatologies
  • Time series of several important variables

Available simulations:

BGC-v1.1: Biogeochemical Cycle campaign, v1.1 (version with CTC) (1 deg)

BGC-v1.1-ECA: Biogeochemical Cycle campaign, v1.1-ECA (experimental version with ECA) (1 deg)

From CMIP6 project space on ESGF:

Subset of important atmosphere, land, ocean, sea-ice, land-ice and river variables as requested by CMIP6 and formatted to meet the strict CMIP6 requirements (one variable, many time steps per file)

Configuration Description

How to search for particular data and data description

Overview Paper on BGC data

  • S. M. Burrows, M. Maltrud, X. Yang, Q. Zhu, N. Jeffery, X. Shi and co-authors (2020). The DOE E3SM v1.1 biogeochemistry configuration: description and simulated ecosystem‐climate responses to historical changes in forcinghttps://doi.org/10.1029/2019MS001766



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