
2018 INCITE Award

2018 INCITE Award

The 2018 Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) award supports the E3SM model ...
2017-06 ACME Outstanding Contribution Awards

2017-06 ACME Outstanding Contribution Awards

E3SM Outstanding Awards: Jon Wolfe - For outstanding effort and support and Azamat Mametjanov for significant contributions to ACME performance, response to critical issues ...
2016-11 ACME Awards

2016-11 ACME Awards

E3SM Outstanding Awards: Jinyun Tang for extraordinary contribution to ACME’s land model and Balwinder Singh  for his critical role and sustained effort ...
2016-06 ACME Outstanding Contribution Awards

2016-06 ACME Outstanding Contribution Awards

Wuyin Lin for his tireless and sustained effort .., Po-Lun Ma for his dedication to performing simulations ..., Adrian Turner for his single-minded and absolute commitment ...
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