Upcoming Virtual Meetings

  • May 16, 2020
  • Event Announcement,Home Page Feature
  • Due to the impacts of COVID-19, two upcoming DOE science meetings and a National Academy of Sciences workshop will not occur in person this year, but organizers have modified their original plans to host virtual gatherings.


    The DOE Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting has been postponed until May 2021, however to provide continuity in communication, a number of virtual meetings will be held over the next nine months.


    The first of these will be two webinar-style meetings to provide updates to the ESS community:

    Tuesday, May 19, 2020 (2:00-3:30pm eastern/11:00-12:30pm pacific), will focus on programmatic updates from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Science program (TES) and the Subsurface Biogeochemical Research program (SBR) as well as from other joint efforts (e.g., ESS-DIVE, etc.)

    Wednesday, May 20, 2020 (2:00-3:30pm eastern/11:00-12:30pm pacific), will include a plenary science and program talks (e.g., budget talk, cyberinfrastructure update, etc.)


    To participate and for information on other ESS virtual meetings later in the year, see the Environmental Systems Science PI Meeting page.



    The Joint ARM User Facility/ASR Principal Investigators Meeting will be held virtually during the week of June 22–26, 2020.

    From a recent ARM/ASR newsletter:

    “We have developed a streamlined agenda for the remote meeting that still captures some of the critical elements of the ARM/ASR meeting. The meeting will still contain programmatic updates, plenary presentations, poster abstract talks, and breakout sessions. We will also be hosting a session on the next ARM Decadal Vision plan.

    Please see the draft meeting agenda on the meeting website at https://www.orau.gov/2020armasr/. [Click on “Agenda” in the blue navigation bar.] We will be updating this website with more details as the agenda is finalized. In the next couple of weeks, we will also send out more information regarding participation in the breakout and working group sessions.

    Please note that, while participation in the virtual meeting is open to the ARM/ASR community and other interested scientists, you will still be required to register for the meeting. This will help us keep the meeting more secure and help us plan the required meeting support. We will provide more information on the registration process on the meeting website in the next few weeks.”


    For more information view the:


    The National Academy of Sciences announced an online Earth System Predictability Workshop for June 4-th and 5th, 2020.

    “The National Academies will organize a workshop on Earth system predictability research and development.  The agenda for this workshop will be informed by key themes that emerged from a roundtable discussion held on April 16, 2020, with leaders across public, private and acadmeic sectors.  The goals of the workshop are to engage scientists and stakeholders actively working on Earth system predictability to brainstorm and discuss options for accelerating progress in this area.

    For more information see:




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