E3SM Diagnostics v1.3.0

  • April 11, 2018
  • Home Page Feature,Releases
  • We are pleased to announce the new version of E3SM Diagnostics (v1.3.0). Based on our last major release (v1.0.0, September 2017), the following new features are included:

    • Added Taylor Diagrams for spatial variability for annual and seasonal mean lat-lon maps.
    • Added tables summarizing metrics for annual and seasonal mean lat-lon maps.
    • Stronger support for model vs model runs, in addition to the default model vs obs comparisons.
      • Here is the Jupyter notebook for setting up a model vs model run.
    • Added surface air temperature, surface wind stress, AOD550, net cloud forcing, surface heat fluxes, and sea level pressure as default variables.
    • Added provenance into viewer: a single diagnostic plot can be reproduced with a single command.
    • System tests for all sets of diagnostics.


    For new users, below is the documentation to get you started:

    Please notice that E3SM Diagnostics is included in the unified environment (e3sm-unified) deployed on all supported E3SM machines (Thank you, Xylar!). The instruction to use E3SM Diagnostics from the unified environment is also documented in the above quick guides.


    For existing users:

    If you want to try out this new version, please create a new environment. You do it like so:

    conda env create -f acme_diags_env.yml -n acme_diags_env_v1.3.0

    An example of the lat-lon contour plots for air temperature at 850 mb with tropical ocean region considered

    It removes the need to deal with changing dependencies and you can always go back to an older version this way.


    Please let us know if you have any feedback regarding this software. Feel free to bring up new diagnostics that you feel are critical for benchmarking the model. And we appreciate all the comments from our current users that help us to improve the software!


    Best regards,

    Jill (Chenghzu) Zhang, Zeshawn Shaheen, Chris Golaz, and Jerry Potter


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