E3SM CMIP6 DECK Data Is Available
The E3SM version 1 water cycle simulation campaign’s standard set of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Characterization of Klima (DECK) simulations have been published and are free to download via the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) distributed and federated archives.
The available DECK data include a long preindustrial control run, historical simulations, idealized CO2 forcing simulations as well as the atmosphere only (AMIP) simulations at standard model resolution (approximately 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude).
The recently published Coupled E3SM v1 Model Overview Paper documents the E3SM model version 1.0, its almost 3000 years of DECK simulations, and discusses the model’s performance. In addition to the overview paper, the Status of the v1 Water Cycle Campaign page shows a graphic describing the different DECK simulations and their initialization strategy.
The CMIP6 datasets include the following experiments
- piControl – Pre-industrial control (piControl) simulation (500 years)
- historical – Historical simulations 1850-2014 (165 years) 5 ensembles
- 1pctCO2 – Prescribed 1% / year CO2 increase (1pctCO2) simulation (150 years)
- abrupt-4xCO2 – Abrupt CO2 quadrupling (abrupt-4xCO2) simulation (150 years)
- amip – atmosphere only AMIP simulation 1870-2014 (145 years) 3 ensembles
- amip_1850_allF – atmosphere only AMIP with all forcing held at 1850 values, 1870-2014 (145 years) 3 ensembles
- amip_1850_aeroF – atmosphere only AMIP with all aerosol forcings held at 1850 values, 1870-2014 (145 years) 3 ensembles
The data is free to download via three separate avenues and in many different formats:
- E3SM project space on the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) archives:
- native output data files (many variables, one timestamp per file)
- regridded to lat-lon grid output files (many variables, one timestamp per file)
- monthly and seasonal climatologies
- time series of several important variables
- CMIP6 project space on ESGF:
- set of important atmosphere, land, ocean, sea-ice, land-ice and river variables as requested by CMIP6 and formatted to meet the strict CMIP6 requirements (one variable, many time steps per file)
- this publication is ongoing
- NERSC HPSS storage:
- tarred big files stored on HPSS tape system at NERSC
For Details on How to Download the Data See: