E3SM All-Hands Presentations – August 2019 Update
The E3SM project makes its All-Hands Presentations available to everyone via the E3SM YouTube channel. In addition to a video of the webinar, the website provides links to the presentation’s PowerPoint slides.
For all presentations, see the All-Hands Presentations page. The most recent presentations include:
- “Recent Findings from the E3SM Cryosphere Science Campaign” by Darin Comeau, Milena Veneziani and Xylar Asay-Davis (PDF, MP4)
- “Forestry and Land Use Impacts on Land Carbon Storage” by Anders Ahlström (PDF, MP4)
- “Improved Modeling of Precipitation in E3SM’s EAMv1 Model” by Shaocheng Xie (PDF, MP4)
- “Radiocarbon Constraints on the Carbon Cycle in the E3SM Land Model” by Qing Zhu (PDF, MP4)
- “Disturbance at the Threshold: When Does Tree Mortality Break the Forest Carbon Cycle?” by Chris Gough (PDF, MP4)