Leadership Team in Phase 2
Phase 2 Organizational Chart
Phase 2 Leadership Team
Executive Committee
- Project PI: Dave Bader bader2@llnl.gov
- Project Engineer: Renata McCoy mccoy20@llnl.gov
- Chief Scientist: Ruby Leung Leung@pnnl.gov
- Chief Computational Scientist: Mark Taylor mataylo@sandia.gov
Phase 2 Core Groups
- Water Cycle Coupled Simulation Group
- Lead: Chris Golaz golaz1@llnl.gov
- Deputy: Luke van Roekel lvanroekel@lanl.gov
- BGC-Energy Coupled Simulation Group
- Lead: Kate Calvin Katherine.Calvin@pnnl.gov
- Deputy: Susannah Burrows Susannah.Burrows@pnnl.gov
- Deputy: Jennifer Holm jaholm@lbl.gov
- Cryosphere-Ocean Coupled Simulation Group
- Lead: Stephen Price SPrice@lanl.gov
- Deputy: Wuyin Lin WLin@bnl.gov
- Deputy: Mark Petersen MPetersen@lanl.gov
- Infrastructure Group
- Lead: Rob Jacob jacob@mcs.anl.gov
- Deputy: Chengzhu Zhang zhang40@llnl.gov
- Performance Group
- Lead: Phil Jones pwjones@lanl.gov
- Deputy: Sarat Sreepathi sarat@ornl.gov
Phase 2 Next Generation Development (NGD) Sub-Projects
- Software and Algorithms
- Lead: Andy Salinger agsalin@sandia.gov
- Non-hydrostatic Atmosphere Model
- Lead: Peter Caldwell caldwell19@llnl.gov
- Atmospheric Physics
- Lead: Shaocheng Xie xie2@llnl.gov
- Energy and Land
- Lead: Ben Bond-Lamberty BondLamberty@pnnl.gov
- Ocean
- Lead: Luke van Roekel lvanroekel@lanl.gov
- Dynamic Land Ice
- Lead: Dan Martin dfmartin@lbl.gov
- Coastal Waves (Closed)
- Past Lead: Phillip Wolfram