Global E3SM simulation showing eddy activity.
Credit: M. Petersen, P. Wolfram and T. Ringler
DOE's E3SM is a state-of-the-science Earth system model development and simulation project to investigate energy-relevant science using code optimized for DOE's advanced computers

Featured Stories

Xujing Davis, E3SM Program Manager, DOE BER

From Program Manager

Xujing Davis presents news about E3SM and DOE >>

E3SM – A Decade of Progress: In Numbers

To celebrate E3SM’s decade of progress, we’ll be taking a look at E3SM in numbers >>

OMEGA – Future E3SM Ocean Model

C++ and Exascale ready Ocean Model for E3SM Global Applications (OMEGA) >>

Automated ML Calibration

A report on the work to produce novel scientific results using both exascale and machine learning >>

E3SM Tutorial at NERSC

The inaugural in-person tutorial workshop of the E3SM project at NERSC >>

Fun Fact - Deep DIves

One of the unique features of the E3SM project is its officially sanctioned house band, the Deep Dives. >>

Numerical Methods Session at OSM

Summary report on the E3SM session at the Ocean Science Meeting >>

2024 CMS

The 10th US Climate Modeling Summit was held at GFDL on May 2024 >>

Sulfur Dioxide Emission

Injection height of sulfur dioxide into atmosphere is not consistent across models and yields substantial variation >>

Parametric Sensitivity

Parametric Sensitivity study in EAM helps understand atmospheric model behavior and physics at regional scale. >>

Snow Droughts

Snow droughts can be driven by dry and/or warm soil, rather than by high temperatures and/or low snowfall. >>

Nudged Initialization

Improved subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) precipitation predictions in climate models >>

Two N and P Limitations

Comparison of two approaches to representing N and P nutrient supply in the future climate >>

E3SM-Unified 1.10.0

The E3SM project maintains a unified Conda environment, called E3SM-Unified >>

Staff Highlights

Honorable achievements of several E3SM members >>

E3SM Webinars

All-hands presentations continue to inform scientists as well as the public >>


E3SM is a fully coupled, state-of-the-science Earth system model (ESM) capable of global high definition configuration (25km atmosphere, 12km river model, variable 18 to 6km ocean model, >>


Released global Coupled model simulation output data from E3SM target experiments, both the low and high definition configurations. >>


Software applications for coupled and component model diagnostic, evaluation and analysis, data transfer, manipulation, regridding and post processing. Model development tools and unit >>


Model and data help and support