E3SM Tutorials

First In-person E3SM Tutorial Workshop at NERSC

2024 E3SM TutorialWorkshop

  • Agenda with presentations and practicum materials
  • Videos are coming


A comprehensive workshop covered the overview of the E3SM coupled system and its components, providing guidance on running the model, modifying the code, effectively processing the model output, as well as best practice using the model and contributing to model development. Read more on the E3SM Tutorial or go to the Workshop space.




Other Online Tutorals

E3SM Phase 3 Reporting Tutorial

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial


This video shows a short introduction to the New E3SM Phase 3 Reporting

Webinars from Hackathons on MPAS

YAKL Training

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial


This video shows training for YAKL (yet another kernal launcher) a helpful avenue to handling large Fortran codes.

A Short Introduction to the MPAS Framework

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial


This video shows a short introduction to the MPAS Framework.

Climate Forecast (CF) Conventions for MPAS

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial


This video shows a short introduction to the Climate & Forecast (CF) Conventions for MPAS.

Second Round of Video Tutorials

As the E3SM community grows with new ecosystem and other collaborative projects working with the E3SM model and data, it is important for E3SM to educate new users and provide tutorials on the model, the data, how to run/test the model and available tools.

Regridding E3M Data – Atmospheric Data

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial

Website for Tutorial

This video shows how to regrid cube sphere E3SM atmosphere model output to regular longitude-latitude grid data.

Regridding E3M Data – Land Data

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial

Website for Tutorial

This video shows how to regrid cube sphere E3SM land model output to regular longitude-latitude grid data using sub-grid scale regridding, taking into account land fraction around coastal areas.

Regridding E3M Data – Ocean Data

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial

Website for Tutorial

This video shows how to regrid E3SM’s Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) ocean and sea-ice unstructured Voronoi grid data to regular longitude-latitude grid data.

Getting Started with MPAS-Analysis

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

Website for Tutorial


(Related Video)

This video shows how to run MPAS-Analysis to evaluate the E3SM ocean and sea-ice data.

E3SM Diagnostics Package – 2020 Tutorial

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial


This tutorial explains how to use the E3SM Diagnostics Package, version 2, to analyze E3SM coupled model output.

Zstash Tutorial

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

Website for Tutorial


Zstash is an HPSS long-term archiving solution for E3SM. This tutorial shows how to install and use Zstash for archiving and extracting E3SM data.

MPAS Mesh Generation Tutorial

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial

In this hour-long video tutorial, Mark Petersen of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) shows how to create variable-resolution global meshes for the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS). These types of meshes are used for the ocean, sea-ice, and land-ice components of E3SM.

First Round of Video Tutorials

Getting Started with E3SM Tutorial

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial

This video and presentation provide an introduction to getting the E3SM v1 model, setting it up and running it at NERSC.

E3SM Model Output Data Tutorial

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial

Text File of URLs and/or Commands for Copying and Pasting

This video gives a quick tour of the public E3SM model output data, where to find it, and how to access it. The following link will take you directly to the project page on the Livermore ESGF node (https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/projects/e3sm/), and this link will take you to the setup instructions for Globus for the fastest download (https://www.globus.org/SignIn#step=signup). LLNL release number: LLNL-MI-765020.

E3SM Diagnostics Package Tutorial

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

PDF of Tutorial

This video and presentation provide a brief introduction to the E3SM Diagnostics Package (e3sm_diags) and a quick-start guide for using the package to analyze E3SM model output. LLNL release number: LLNL-MI-766726.

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