Global E3SM simulation showing eddy activity.
Credit: M. Petersen, P. Wolfram and T. Ringler
DOE's E3SM is a state-of-the-science Earth system model development and simulation project to investigate energy-relevant science using code optimized for DOE's advanced computers

Featured Stories

Xujing Davis, E3SM Program Manager, DOE BER

From Program Manager

Xujing Davis presents news about E3SM and DOE >>

Lessons Learned

We have learned a lot in 10 years of developing the coupled system climate model >>

Modeling the Climate at Exascale

The main reference for the EAMxx (SCREAM) was published >>

E3SMv3 Simulations

Version 3.0 of the E3SM Model simulations are underway >>

Online version of E3SM Tutorial

All materials from E3SM 2024 Tutorial Workshop are now available online >>

Participation in CMIP7

The project has received many questions about whether the E3SM project will participate in CMIP7 >>

Fun Facts - Slogans

Famous E3SM slogans, mottos and sayings that drive and/or describe their workflows and results >>

Ice-Shelf Melt TP

Meltwater from icebergs and ice shelves around Antarctica may accelerate reaching a tipping point >>

Ice Sheet Albedo

The Effect of Physically Based Ice Radiative Processes on Greenland Ice Sheet Albedo and Surface Mass Balance in E3SM >>

Autocalibration of the EAM

Demonstrating a method to calibrate ESMs in an automated way using ML >>

Islet Transport Method

Extremely efficient tracer transport is enabled by a new Islet method >>

Coastal Wetland

Incorporating tidal-driven biogeochemistry in a land surface model simulations >>

Aerosol and CCN

New particle formation mechanisms improves aerosol and cloud simulations >>

EESM PI Meeting

The meeting's goal was to foster and sustain important collaborations among EESM scientists >>

SciDAC PI Meeting

The DOE Office of Science Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing program held its Principal Investigator Meeting >>

Climate Modeling at ESCO

The 9th European Seminar on Computing was held in Pilsen, Czech Republic >>

SciDAC PI Meeting

The Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project held the kickoff meeting for its next phase, ISMIP7 >>

Report from CICE Consortium Workshop

The CICE Consortium team help workshop and hands-on tutorial using Icepack >>

ENES HPC Workshop

The European Network for Earth System modelling Workshop on High Performance Computing for Weather and Climate >>

OMEGA – Future E3SM Ocean Model

C++ and Exascale ready Ocean Model for E3SM Global Applications (OMEGA) >>

Opportunities and Awards

DOE BER funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) and recent Awards were announced >>

Looking for Modelers

DOE's ARM User Facility is looking for modelers for its User Executive Committee >>

Recent E3SM Publicity

The E3SM Publicity page includes links to recent articles or videos related to E3SM >>

Latest Webinars

All-hands presentations continue to inform scientists as well as the public >>


E3SM is a fully coupled, state-of-the-science Earth system model (ESM) capable of global high definition configuration (25km atmosphere, 12km river model, variable 18 to 6km ocean model, >>


Released global Coupled model simulation output data from E3SM target experiments, both the low and high definition configurations. >>


Software applications for coupled and component model diagnostic, evaluation and analysis, data transfer, manipulation, regridding and post processing. Model development tools and unit >>


Model and data help and support