Global E3SM simulation showing eddy activity.
Credit: M. Petersen, P. Wolfram and T. Ringler
DOE's E3SM is a state-of-the-science Earth system model development and simulation project to investigate energy-relevant science using code optimized for DOE's advanced computers

AGU 2023 E3SM Town Hall “A Decade of Earth System Modeling Effort at the DOE”

The recording of the presentation on “E3SM as an Open Science Model Development Project” from the AGU 2023 Town Hall: “E3SM: A Decade of Earth System Modeling Effort at the Department of Energy” can be found on E3SM YouTube channel at: (This is a portion of the Town Hall presentation that was not presented at AGU on 12/12/23 due to time limitation.) The pdf of this presentation is available here and the full Town Hall presentation can be found here.

Featured Stories

Xujing Davis, E3SM Program Manager, DOE BER

From Program Manager

Xujing Davis presents news about E3SM and DOE >>

E3SM – A Decade of Progress: In Numbers

To celebrate E3SM’s decade of progress, we’ll be taking a look at E3SM in numbers >>

OMEGA – Future E3SM Ocean Model

C++ and Exascale ready Ocean Model for E3SM Global Applications (OMEGA) >>

Automated ML Calibration

A report on the work to produce novel scientific results using both exascale and machine learning >>

E3SM Tutorial at NERSC

The inaugural in-person tutorial workshop of the E3SM project at NERSC >>

Fun Fact - Deep DIves

One of the unique features of the E3SM project is its officially sanctioned house band, the Deep Dives. >>

Numerical Methods Session at OSM

Summary report on the E3SM session at the Ocean Science Meeting >>

2024 CMS

The 10th US Climate Modeling Summit was held at GFDL on May 2024 >>

Sulfur Dioxide Emission

Injection height of sulfur dioxide into atmosphere is not consistent across models and yields substantial variation >>

Parametric Sensitivity

Parametric Sensitivity study in EAM helps understand atmospheric model behavior and physics at regional scale. >>

Snow Droughts

Snow droughts can be driven by dry and/or warm soil, rather than by high temperatures and/or low snowfall. >>

Nudged Initialization

Improved subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) precipitation predictions in climate models >>

Two N and P Limitations

Comparison of two approaches to representing N and P nutrient supply in the future climate >>

E3SM-Unified 1.10.0

The E3SM project maintains a unified Conda environment, called E3SM-Unified >>

Staff Highlights

Honorable achievements of several E3SM members >>

E3SM Webinars

All-hands presentations continue to inform scientists as well as the public >>


E3SM is a fully coupled, state-of-the-science Earth system model (ESM) capable of global high definition configuration (25km atmosphere, 12km river model, variable 18 to 6km ocean model, >>


Released global Coupled model simulation output data from E3SM target experiments, both the low and high definition configurations. >>


Software applications for coupled and component model diagnostic, evaluation and analysis, data transfer, manipulation, regridding and post processing. Model development tools and unit >>


Model and data help and support