Global E3SM simulation showing eddy activity.
Credit: M. Petersen, P. Wolfram and T. Ringler
DOE's E3SM is a state-of-the-science Earth system model development and simulation project to investigate energy-relevant science using code optimized for DOE's advanced computers

Featured Stories

Xujing Davis, E3SM Program Manager, DOE BER

From Program Manager

Xujing Davis presents news about E3SM and DOE >>

Then and Now

We look at the ten and now while celebrating decade of progres >>

10-Year Celebration

A special anniversary meeting on December 8, 2024 >>

E3SM Web Store

E3SM web store reopens with new 10-year anniversary items >>

Emulating EAM

The Ai2 Climate Emulator (ACE) for weather evolution and mean climate of EAM >>

Figure 1. A visualization of global variable‐resolution meshes for E3SM Atmosphere, Land, River, and Ocean (EAM, ELM, MOSART, and MPAS‐O) models with refined resolutions and unstructured river networks in the Mid‐Atlantic region for resolving multiscale flood dynamics.

Modeling multi-driver floods for E3SM

The ICoM project aims to improve modeling of coastal evolution >>

Getting to Know EAMxx/SCREAM

The E3SM Atmosphere Model in C++ (EAMxx) resources >>

NERSC Hackathon on profiling on NVIDIA

Hackathon on profiling on NVIDIA leads to substantial improvements >>

E3SM SCREAM Gordon Bell Prize Video – 2024

2024 E3SM SCREAM publicity video features E3SM Executive Committee >>

Improving Aerosol Radiative Forcing

New cloud microphysics and improved wet removal treatments, improve climate simulations >>

Mesoscale Convective Systems

MCSs remain difficult to replicate without improved model resolution or improved model physics >>

Capturing Finer-Scale Topographic Differences

Topographic variations have substantial impacts on surface hydrologic processes >>

EVP Sea Ice Dynamics Solver

Refactoring the elastic–viscous–plastic sea ice dynamics solver improves performance on CPU & GPU >>

Aerosol Sizes Approximations

Aerosol effects on clouds and radiation are a large source of uncertainty >>

Modeling the Climate at Exascale

The main reference for the EAMxx which evolved from SCREAM was published in JAMES >>

E3SMv3 Simulations Underway

Version 3.0 of the E3SM Model simulations are underway >>

Latest data accessible

Version 2.0 of the E3SM Model was formally frozen and tagged >>

E3SM Patch Release of Version v3.0.1

The first patch release of E3SM for v3.0.0 was released in Oct 2024 >>

xCDAT: a Python Package for Climate Data

A Python Package for Simple and Robust Analysis of Climate Data >>

E3SM All-Hands Presentations – November 2024 Update

All-hands presentations continue to inform scientists as well as the public >>

GEWEX meeting in Japan

The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference, Jul'24, Japan >>

International Summit

Summit on a Computational System for Frontier Earth System Science and Climate Simulation and Projection >>

E3SM participation in AGU and AMS

E3SM's participation in AGU 2024 and AMS 2025 >>

E3SM Publicity – November 2024 Update

The E3SM Publicity page includes links to recent articles or videos related to E3SM >>


E3SM is a fully coupled, state-of-the-science Earth system model (ESM) capable of global high definition configuration (25km atmosphere, 12km river model, variable 18 to 6km ocean model, >>


Released global Coupled model simulation output data from E3SM target experiments, both the low and high definition configurations. >>


Software applications for coupled and component model diagnostic, evaluation and analysis, data transfer, manipulation, regridding and post processing. Model development tools and unit >>


Model and data help and support