E3SM Patch Release of Version v3.0.1

  • November 25, 2024
  • Releases
  • A new E3SM version v3.0.1 was released in October. It is the first patch release for v3.0.0, which was announced in March. The main purpose of this release is to introduce additional compsets used in v3 simulations and also fix some bugs found in compsets released with 3.0.0. All components also have new optional features but the defaults have not changed for v3.0.0 supported compsets.

    This is a new development. E3SM code is open source and thus anyone can use it. However, the project would like to point your attention to its policies regarding the use of new development. Please note in particular that E3SM reserves the right to first publication from its data and new developments and asks you to respect this right. For more information on policies, please visit our policies page.

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