Latest Suite of Analysis Tools: E3SM-Unified 1.5.0

  • August 24, 2021
  • Home Page Feature,Releases
  • E3SM Unified Environment LogoA new version of E3SM-Unified (v1.5.0) has been released on the e3sm anaconda channel and has been installed on supported machines [Acme1 (LLNL); Andes (OLCF); Anvil and Chrysalis (LCRC); Compy (PNNL); Cooley (ALCF); and Cori (NERSC)].

    E3SM-Unified is an anaconda environment that includes many of the software packages used to analyze E3SM simulation results.

    New activation scripts

    The activation script for E3SM-Unified now contains the machine name. This change was made to support some machine-specific software. As an example, the activation command on Chrysalis is now:

    source /lcrc/soft/climate/e3sm-unified/


    New path on Cori

    There is a new path to the activation script on Cori on a file system that performs better for software. On Cori, the activation command is now:

    source /global/common/software/e3sm/anaconda_envs/

    It is highly recommended that you run E3SM-Unified on Haswell, rather than KNL, compute nodes on Cori since performance will be much better.


    System MPI

    The biggest change for E3SM-Unified users on supported machines is that several libraries (ESMF, mpi4py, ILAMB and Tempest-Extremes) can be used with system MPI and NetCDF libraries when running on compute (as opposed to login) nodes.  This should make certain tasks like computing mapping files for large grids much more computationally feasible. When software is run on login nodes, E3SM-Unified does not use system MPI.


    For more information, see this E3SM Unified Environment page.


    • DOE’s Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research (BER), Earth System Model Development (ESMD), E3SM Project



    • Xylar Asay-DavisLos Alamos National Laboratory
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