Farewell from Dorothy Koch
Farewell from Dorothy!
By the time this issue comes out, I will have moved from DOE to NOAA, to help manage the development of the NWS’s next generation weather model.
It is very difficult to step away from E3SM and its growing outstanding community of users and developers, and I am very proud of all that we have achieved together in the past few years.
At this transitional time, I emphasize the importance of the E3SM project and model, particularly for keeping pace with the evolving and challenging advanced computer architectures that DOE procures. As E3SM leverages the software and computing skills in the DOE Laboratories, it has a unique opportunity to succeed in this space, and does so on behalf of the broader numerical weather/climate simulation community. In order to continue to succeed at this challenging task, E3SM depends on the interest and support of both DOE and the broader Earth system research/modeling community. The E3SM model and project continue to sharpen their focus on addressing challenges faced by the energy and related sectors, as should become increasingly clear over the coming months.
My perspectives at NOAA NWS will be somewhat different, but as weather modeling pushes predictions to longer timescales, there is a growing space of overlap with projects like E3SM that strive to improve predictability at regional spatial scales. And there are also emerging fruitful spaces involving “unified”-weather-climate, research to operations, and improvements to software-infrastructure, that are engaging multiple modeling teams and activities. Which maybe is my way of saying, we need never really say “good-bye” in this business.
It has been a humbling and rewarding 8+ years at DOE, working with DOE’s Earth system modeling community, and helping to foster the E3SM project.
A very fond farewell!