E3SM All-Hands Presentations – November 2021 Update
E3SM scientists and other invited researchers share their work during regular online webinars. The E3SM project makes these All-Hands Presentations available to everyone via the E3SM YouTube channel. In addition to a video of the webinar, the website provides links to the presentation’s PowerPoint slides.
For all presentations, see the All-Hands Presentations page.
The most recent presentations include:
- “Model and Simulation Campaign, Part 1: Overview of Coupled Simulations at Low-Resolution” by Chris Golaz (PDF, MP4)
- “Towards Improving Crop Representation in ELM” by Eva Sinha (PDF, MP4)
- “Development and Evaluation of Computationally Efficient Treatments of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) for E3SM”, by Manish Shrivistava (PDF, MP4)
- “The E3SM Cryosphere Simulation Campaign: Wrapping up v1 and Looking Towards v2”, by Darin Comeau (PDF, MP4)
- “Antarctic Dense Water Formation in Coastal and Open-Ocean Polynyas in E3SM-HR”, by Hyien Jeong and Milena Veneziani (PDF, MP4)