Ruby Leung Wins AMS Medal

  • August 24, 2021
  • Awards,Event Announcement,Home Page Feature
  • L. Ruby Leung

    Dr. L. Ruby Leung

    E3SM’s Chief Scientist, L. Ruby Leung, will receive the 2022 American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) Hydrologic Sciences Medal at the January 2022 AMS Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas.

    The Hydrologic Sciences Medal is granted to researchers who make outstanding contributions to scientific knowledge in hydrology, hydrometeorology, and/or hydroclimatology, including interactions between the land surface and the atmosphere. It represents the highest award the Society can bestow upon an individual in the hydrologic sciences.

    – AMS


    Congratulations to Ruby for this distinguished honor!


    For more information see the announcement and the news story on the Earth and Environmental System Modeling website.

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