Recent E3SM Publicity
At 1-kilometer resolution, a European climate model (left) is nearly indistinguishable from reality (right).
E3SM has been in the news several times over the past few months.
Ruby Leung, E3SM Chief Scientist, was interviewed for a Science Magazine story entitled Europe is building a ‘digital twin’ of Earth to revolutionize climate forecasts. The article describes the European Union’s ambitious plan in simulating planet Earth with unprecedented resolution and precision. It is not an easy task. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) made a head start by testing its GPU-based model at 1-kilometer resolution for four simulated months on DOE’s Summit supercomputer. The Europeans aren’t alone, however, since DOE’s E3SM project is heading in the same direction. The ECMWF 1 km simulation is of such interest to E3SM scientists, that Dr. Nils Wedi of ECMWF was invited to give the keynote talk on the 1 km simulation at the recent ESMD-E3SM PI Meeting held virtually October 26-29, 2020.
On September 24, 2020, Mark Taylor, E3SM Chief Computational Scientist, participated in a video interview with insideHPC’s Editor-in-Chief, Doug Black, to talk about Exascale for Earth System Modeling of Storms, Droughts, Sea Level Rise. Taylor explained that future versions of E3SM “will enable some of the first decade-long cloud-resolving climate simulations. Such simulations are essential for scientists to fully address the problems arising from approximations in cloud systems used in traditional climate models. In the exascale era, these types of simulations will remove one of the major sources of climate prediction uncertainty.”
To view other interesting articles visit the E3SM Publicity page. Some recent stories include:
- November 19, 2020: ASCR Discovery, Climate on a New Scale
- October 21, 2020: The Washington Post, This is What Fuels the West’s Infernos
- September 25, 2020: Mark Taylor gave a talk on E3SM at the DOE ASCR Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee meeting
- September 15, 2020: PNAS, Core Concept: Nascent exascale supercomputers offer promise, present challenges
- August 19, 2020: Georgia Institute of Technology, Making Earth System Models That Match the Speed of Climate Change
- July 27, 2020: DCD: Data Center Dynamics, DOE Announces $7M for Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- June 25, 2020: ECP: Exascale Computing Project, E3SM-MMF: Forecasting Water Resources and Severe Weather with Greater Confidence
- March 10, 2020: DOE Office of Science, Flooding the Sky: Navigating the Science of Atmospheric Rivers
- March 3, 2020: ScienceDaily, New version of Earth model captures climate dynamics
- February 14, 2020: Direct Current Podcast – LIVE AT AAAS, The Future of Water & Wildfire