New Chemistry Diagnostic Package – ChemDyg v 0.1.3

  • August 30, 2023
  • Home Page Feature,Releases
  • A new E3SM Chemistry diagnostics package (ChemDyg) was recently added to E3SM’s post-processing tool – zppy. It addressed E3SM’s diagnostic needs in the area of atmospheric chemistry.

    It is open-source software with most diagnostic scripts written in Python, developed to support the Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM).

    ChemDyg generates several diagnostic plots and tables for model-to-model and model-to-observation comparison, including 2-dimensional contour mapping plots, diurnal and annual cycle plots, time-series plots, and comprehensive processing tables (Fig. 1). It can be executed by zppy, which is a post-processing toolchain for E3SM written in Python.

    The ChemDyg codebase is designed to be modular, and each diagnostics set is self-contained.  Each set has its own driving script that includes set-specific file input/output and a main Python script for calculation and plotting.  The outputs from each diagnostics set, including figures and tables, are organized in the main HTML page to make it interactive through a browser.


    Sample plots from E3SM Chemistry

    Figure 1. Sample plots from E3SM Chemistry diagnostics package (ChemDyg)


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