ESCAPE-2 Workshop
DOE’s Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program was invited to attend the Final Dissemination Workshop for the EU H2020-funded ESCAPE-2 project.
The ESCAPE-2 project develops world-class, extreme-scale computing capabilities for European operational numerical weather and climate prediction systems, continuing the work of the original ESCAPE project. The project attacked three sources of enhanced computational performance: developing and testing bespoke numerical methods that optimally trade off accuracy, resilience and performance, developing generic programming approaches that ensure code portability and performance portability, testing performance on HPC platforms offering different processor technologies.
The Final Dissemination Workshop reported on ESCAPE-2 results, including presentations from ECMWF, Politecnico di Milano, Atos/Bull and CEA. In addition, the workshop had presentations from related international efforts including BER’s E3SM project, EU’s ESiWACE2 project, Vulcan Inc. and the WMO. For BER, Gary Geernaert (Director, Climate and Environmental Sciences Division, BER), Xujing Davis (program manager, Earth System Model Development) and Mark Taylor (Sandia National Laboratories) attended. Mark presented on the E3SM project’s progress developing the SCREAM cloud resolving atmosphere model, experience with E3SM’s C++/kokkos performance portable strategy and latest GPU results on the OLCF Summit supercomputer.
The workshop was held virtually, with presentations available online at the workshop website,
ESCAPE-2 Final Dissemination Workshop | ESCAPE 2
Mark Taylor’s Presentation: SCREAM4Escape3.pdf