EESM Open House

  • November 29, 2023
  • Event Announcement,Home Page Feature
  • To address barriers to participation in the Earth and Environmental Systems Science Division (EESSD) and also to inform potential and existing stakeholders of opportunities, a series of three “Open House” seminars were held, each respectively focused on EESSD thematic areas of Atmospheric System Research (ASR), Earth and Environmental System Modeling (EESM), and Environmental System Science (ESS) Programs.


    On the 16th of October, the third open house on EESM Program (EESM thereafter) was held virtually via Zoom. EESM Program Managers Xujing Davis, Renu Joseph and Bob Vallario provided an overview of EESM’s three Program Areas of Earth System Model Development (ESMD), Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA), and Multisector Dynamics (MSD), with focus on the portfolio of research projects supported, funding mechanisms, particularly resources and engaging opportunities. The presentations were followed by a Q&A session, during which many good questions were asked and addressed. The Open House series was recorded, and the presentation slides will also be shared on the EESM site when ready.


    Scott Collis, an atmospheric scientist from Argonne National Laboratory, currently a detailee at EESSD, worked across the division and played a leading role in organizing, coordinating, and modulating this Open House series. Andrew Flatness, a Scientific Program Specialist at EESSD, assisted with the logistics of the meeting.


    If you are interested in engaging opportunities in EESSD, these Open House Presentations serve as valuable resources to start with. You are encouraged to watch the recordings of EESM Overview Presentation.


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