E3SM Publicity – May 2021 Update
The E3SM Publicity page includes links to articles or videos where E3SM has been mentioned in the news or an E3SM Scientist has been interviewed.
The list below highlights the most recent articles, videos, or clips.
If you have items that should be posted on the E3SM Publicity page, please email the Communications Team at e3sm-comm@llnl.gov.
Recent stories include:
- April 1, 2021: Physics Today, Mingling Art and Science Opens Minds, Mark Petersen and Francesca Samsel (LANL) were interviewed along with other scientists and artists.
- April 18-24, 2021: DOE’s Office of Science highlighted E3SM’s modeling work for Earth Week/Earth Day by creating animated GIFs which they posted on the Office of Science’s Twitter feed. See the Publicity page for direct links to the tweets and stories.
- May 5, 2021: University of California, Irvine (UCI) News, UCI researchers identify primary causes of Greenland’s rapid ice sheet surface melt, Charlie Zender and Wenshan Wang of UCI were interviewed.
- May 5, 2021: Numerous news outlets including the New York Times and the Washington Post wrote stories on two Nature papers focused on sea level rise, one of which includes several E3SM and SciDAC ProSPect researchers as co-authors.
- May 11, 2021: Ruby Leung was mentioned in a DOE Office of Science Tweet and Women @ Energy: Dr. Ruby Leung Article.