E3SM Phase 3 Review

  • November 29, 2022
  • Feature Story,Home Page Feature
  • As the E3SM project’s second phase (second 3-year funding period) was ending, it prepared and presented to the DOE BER a proposal for Phase 3 funding (check internal link to the proposal) with a renewed 10-year vision, and 3-year goals, roadmaps and planned deliverables. The proposal submission was then followed by the BER’s external panel review. This Review (see internal link to the agenda with presentations) was virtual and took place between October 31 to November 2, 2022.


    Figure 1. E3SM Phase 3 Review team consisted of Phase 2 and Phase 3 Leadership Team and a few team members reporting on specific developments.

    The E3SM ‘s both Phase 2 and Phase 3 Leadership teams and a few additional E3SM members (see Fig. 1) presented E3SM achievements and highlights from Phase 2, elaborated the project’s plans for Phase 3 and addressed questions from the reviewers.

    The E3SM team is now waiting for the DOE BER response to the proposal and the Review, which should happen within the next few weeks.

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