E3SM All-Hands Presentations – May 2024 Update
E3SM scientists and other invited researchers share their work during regular online webinars. The E3SM project makes these All-Hands Presentations available to everyone via the E3SM YouTube channel. In addition to a video of the webinar, the website provides links to the presentation’s PowerPoint slides.
Schedule and Call info: All-Hands Presentations
The List of past presentations and recordings: List of All-Hands Presentations
The most recent presentations include:
- “Evaluating SCREAM’s Climate Sensitivity and Skill in Representing the Present-Day ‘Climate’” by Chris Terai (PDF, MP4)
- “The Regionally Refined and Doubly-Periodic Configurations: Running SCREAM Without Breaking the Bank” by Peter Bogenshutz (PDF, MP4)
- “EAMxx Infrastructure,Designing a Next Generation Global Atmosphere Model” by Aaron Donahue (PDF, MP4)
- “Proceeding from Surface to Sensitivity Confronting a Perturbed Parameter Ensemble with ARM Observations” by Daniel McCoy (PDF, MP4)