E3SM All-Hands Presentations – February 2021 Update

  • February 23, 2021
  • Event Announcement,Home Page Feature
  • E3SM scientists and other invited researchers share their work during regular online webinars. The E3SM project makes these All-Hands Presentations available to everyone via the E3SM YouTube channel. In addition to a video of the webinar, the website provides links to the presentation’s PowerPoint slides.


    For all presentations, see the All-Hands Presentations page.

    The most recent presentations include:

    • “Conservation of Dry Air, Water, and Energy in CAM (and EAM) and its Impact on Tropical Rainfall”, by Bryce Harrop (PDF, MP4)
    • “Quantifying, Attributing, and Understanding Time Step Sensitivities in the E3SMv1 Atmosphere Model”, by Hui Wan (PDF, MP4)
    • “E3SMv1.1 Biogeochemistry Simulation Campaign – Overview of Configuration and Historical Simulations (JAMES, 2020)”, by Susannah Burrows (PDF, MP4)
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