DOE Funding Opportunities for Research on the Science Foundations for Energy Earthshots

  • May 30, 2023
  • Event Announcement,Home Page Feature
  • The US Department of Energy (DOE) announced $150 million in funding for Research on the Science Foundations for Energy Earthshots. This funding, provided by the Office of Science, will support fundamental research to accelerate breakthroughs in support of the Energy Earthshots Initiative.

    DOE’s Energy Earthshots Initiative calls for innovation and collaboration to tackle the toughest barriers to deploying emerging clean energy technologies. This funding, provided by the Office of Science, will support fundamental research to accelerate breakthroughs in support of the Energy Earthshots Initiative.

    This opportunity is in a follow up on the recently announced $200 million in funding for Energy Earthshot Research Centers (EERCs) in support of the Energy Earthshots.



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