Claudia Tebaldi and Xiaohong Liu Selected as AGU Fellows
Congratulations to the 2023 Honorees: Claudia Tebaldi and Xiaohong Liu who were selected as AGU Fellows!
Each year, AGU recognizes individuals and teams for their accomplishments in research, education, science communication, and outreach. Honorees and their scientific efforts have transformed our understanding of the world, impacted our everyday lives, improved our communities, and contributed to solutions for a sustainable future.
Among the 2023 AGU Honorees were two E3SM scientists:
Claudia Tebaldi, Earth Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Joint Global Change Research Institute
Union Fellow
Claudia Tebaldi for:
“For outstanding contributions in statistics and climate science leading to improved understanding.”
Claudia Tebaldi is the E3SM Deputy Group Lead of the Water Cycle Changes and Impacts Group. She is a scientist with the Joint Global Change Research Institute (PNNL), and her research interests include the analysis of observations and climate model output in order to characterize observed and projected climatic changes and their uncertainties, with the goal of making this information useful for the modeling and estimation of socio-economic and environmental impacts. She has published papers on detection and attribution, extreme value analysis, future projections at regional scales, the use of multiple climate model projections, benefits of mitigation, and impacts of climate change on agriculture and human health. Read more at Claudia Tebaldi, PhD.
Union Fellow
Xiaohong Liu for:
“For exceptional contributions to understanding the fundamental mechanisms of aerosol impacts on clouds and climate and advancing atmospheric models.”
Dr. Xiaohong Liu is Reta Haynes Chair in Geosciences and a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University. Xiaohong has contributed to the E3SM community via E3SM and EAGLES projects and University Awards. His research focuses on cloud-aerosol-precipitation-radiation interactions and effects on climate change; multi-scale modeling of clouds and aerosols and their interactions in the climate system; and developments of cloud and aerosol parameterizations for Earth System Models. Read more at Xiaohong Liu.
Congratulations Claudia and Xiaochong!
This article is a part of the E3SM “Floating Points” Newsletter, to read the full Newsletter check: