Call for AI4ESP Special Collection
As part of the outcome of the October 2021 Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP) workshop, there is an open call for paper submission to a special collection for the AMS Artificial Intelligence for Earth Systems (AIES) journal (Call for Papers). The organizers of the workshop would like to encourage both participants and nonparticipants of the AI4ESP workshop to contribute publications furthering the discussions, collaborations, and future research work.
The goal of the AIES special collection is to gather information and research that will help to inform the Earth System scientific community about the current state of knowledge, challenges, and opportunities to advance ESP using AI and ML approaches. Manuscripts and articles in this special collection will provide perspectives and vision on new AI methods, analytical techniques, and applications to advance Earth and environmental systems science and ESP. The organizers also encourage the AI community to submit unpublished original research papers describing applications of AI in Earth and environmental systems science.
If you have any questions related to the AI4ESP Special Collection, please contact organizers via email:
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