AI4ESP Update

  • May 26, 2021
  • Brief,Home Page Feature
  • Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP)


    View the white papers!



    AI4ESP is a multi-lab initiative working with the Earth and Environmental Systems Science Division (EESSD) of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) to develop a new paradigm for Earth system predictability focused on enabling artificial intelligence across field, lab, modeling, and analysis activities.

    Schematic of the Model Observation/Experiment (ModEx) approach to scientific discovery

    Figure 1. Schematic of the model-experiment (MODEX) approach to scientific discovery (outer ring) and various DOE data, models and analysis capabilities that should be linked as community resources based on open science principles (inner sphere).

    The white papers that were solicited from the scientific community under the AI4ESP effort have been posted on the AI4ESP website. The papers were to focus on development and application of AI methods in areas relevant to DOE’s Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division (EESSD) research with an emphasis on quantifying and improving Earth system predictability, particularly related to the integrative water cycle and associated water cycle extremes.


    From the call for white papers, The DOE vision is to radically improve predictive capabilities by applying AI methods to build a new integrative system that spans the continuum from observations to predictive modeling. This effort will require the exploration of AI across the MODEX enterprise (Figure 1) to determine the most impactful applications along the observation-modeling continuum.”


    Points of contact for the AI4ESP initiative

    Figure 2. Points of contact for the AI4ESP initiative.

    Points of contact for the National Labs are shown below and on the home page for the AI4ESP website.


    White Papers:


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