E3SM Quick Start

Get the Code

The E3SM code is available from Github. We only support obtaining the code with “git clone“.  You need at least version 2.0 or later of git. For access to all code versions, add an ssh key to github.  We will not be making .tar.gz or .zip files available at this time.

Open a terminal and issue the following commands:

>git clone -b <ref> --recursive https://github.com/E3SM-Project/E3SM.git
where <ref> is one of the following:
  • maint-1.0
  • maint-1.1
  • maint-1.2
  • maint-2.0
  • maint-2.1

>cd E3SM

NOTE: Do not check out master unless you want to be on your own. We do not support general users on the master branch.

NOTE:  do not use .tar.gz or .zip files Github makes available because they do not include the code from git submodules.

Input Data

E3SM model requires several input data files for initial and boundary conditions.

On supported platforms, all the input data for supported cases is already available in world-readable local directories.

For un-supported machines, you should NOT try to download all the inputdata at once.  The CIME case control system will download each missing file for each case you try to run.

Input data is kept on the following servers

E3SM-authored input data lives on the a world-readable http server at

Some cases may require CESM data, which can be obtained from the CESM input data server, which is now world-readable without any authentication required

The CIME case control system will automatically check each server for any missing input data files and download from the first one it finds.

Running E3SM

See Step-by-Step guide to running E3SM for a very detailed explanation covering:

This guide is tailored to the E3SM project or the so-called “ecosystem” projects (projects funded by DOE BER to work on some aspect of E3SM) and follows the E3SM processes, best practices, and procedures.



Use github to post a question or report a bug (it requires a github account):




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