Wildfire Workshop Summaries

  • August 21, 2022
  • Event Announcement,Home Page Feature
  • California Wildfire: The Holy Fire At Lake Elsinore On August 9, 2018. Photo by slworking2 on Flickr

    California Wildfire: The Holy Fire At Lake Elsinore On August 9, 2018. Photo by slworking2 on Flickr

    ICAMS Wildland Fire Workshops

    As the summaries from the first two workshops are being published, the third workshop is being planned.

    Please mark your calendars for the third ICAMS Wildland Fire Workshop, titled Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Fire Prediction Needs and Opportunities, to be held on 12 October 2022, 11 am to 3 pm Eastern in a virtual format. Zoom registration for the workshop is here: Zoom Registration Link. Additional information will be promulgated as we get closer to the event. 

    The first two ICAMS Wildland fire Workshops took place on April 1st and June 2st in full virtual format over zoom. Workshop summaries are available [Summary_of_First_WF_Workshop] and [Summary_of_Second_WF_Workshop].

    The Interagency Council for Advancing Meteorological Services (ICAMS) is the principal means within the Executive Branch to coordinate priorities across the diverse agencies that make up the Federal meteorological services enterprise.

    The Objective

    Wildland fire research spans a range of time scales from antecedent pre-fire conditions (e.g., drought, fuel evolution), to the interactions of fire and weather during the actual event, to post-fire impacts and recovery (e.g., burn scar, air quality, ecological).

    The ICAMS Committee on Research and Innovation (CoRI) is sponsoring (on behalf of all ICAMS committees) a series of cross-agency workshops to initiate a discussion on wildland fire research and products. The overall objective is to advance meteorological services to better support wildland fire preparedness and response. The goal of the initial workshop on April 1st was to present current agency activities and identify opportunities for cross-agency collaboration that would benefit from future investments. Building upon the discussions from the first event, the second workshop was focusing on coupled fire behavior modeling with a major goal to discuss what is needed to improve and advance fire prediction and predictability research.  Breakout sessions centered around points brought by the invited speakers and discussed possible cross-agency collaborations with the ultimate goal of improving fire behavior modeling and meeting fire management needs. These discussions helped to determine the next steps in the ICAMS wildland fire efforts such as the third workshop on October 12, 2022, which will focus on Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Fire Prediction Needs and Opportunities (please register using Zoom Registration Link, more details regarding agenda will be available before the meeting).

    Organizing committee: Marc Stieglitz, Paul F Steblein, Lesley E. Ott, Olga Tweedy, Dave Turner, Gerald Geernaert, Toral Patel-Weynand, Kurt Preston, James Furman, and Heath Hockenberry.



    • Olga Tweedy, DOE Earth and Environmental System Modeling (EESM) program

    This article is a part of the E3SM “Floating Points” Newsletter, to read the full Newsletter check:

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