Wildfire Workshops – Past and Upcoming

  • May 24, 2022
  • Brief,Home Page Feature
  • wildfire

    Wildfire. Photo by Mike Newbry on Unsplash

    The first ICAMS Wildland Fire Workshop


    ICAMS Initial Wildfire Workshop took place on April 1st in full virtual format over zoom.

    The Interagency Council for Advancing Meteorological Services (ICAMS) is the principal means within the Executive Branch to coordinate priorities across the diverse agencies that make up the Federal meteorological services enterprise.

    The Objective 

    Wildland fire research spans a range of time scales from antecedent pre-fire conditions (e.g., drought, fuel evolution), to the interactions of fire and weather during the actual event, to post fire impacts and recovery (e.g., burnscar, air quality, ecological).

    On behalf of all ICAMS committees, The ICAMS Committee on Research and Innovation (CoRI) sponsored an initial cross-agency workshop to initiate a discussion on wildland fire research and products. The goal of this workshop was to present current agency activities and identify opportunities for cross-agency collaboration that would benefit from future investments. The overall objective was to advance meteorological services to better support wildland fire preparedness and response. This 3-hour workshop showcased high-level presentations from many federal agencies (NSF, DOE, NASA, USGS, NOAA, USFS) to provide an initial overview of what activities in the wildland fire/fire weather sphere are being done by each agency. The discussions from this initial workshop informed and helped shape the agenda for a second workshop (to be held on June 2nd), which will include breakout groups to allow more detailed discussion on topics identified from this first workshop.

    The second ICAMS Wildland Fire workshop

    Workshop title: ”Fire weather research gaps and opportunities: improving coupled fire behavior models”

    June 2, 2022, 11am – 3pm EDT

    Registration Link

    Building upon the discussions from the first event, the second workshop will focus on coupled fire behavior modeling, especially in different geographic areas such as the Wildland Urban Interface and mountainous terrain.  A major goal of this workshop is to discuss what is needed to improve and advance fire prediction and predictability research.  Breakout sessions will focus on points brought by the invited speakers and discuss possible cross-agency collaborations with the ultimate goal of improving fire behavior modeling and meeting fire management needs. These discussions will help to determine the next steps in the ICAMS wildland fire efforts.


    • ICAMS overview and workshop goals (5 minutes)
    • Invited talks (20 minutes each)
      • Confirmed speakers:
        • Rod Linn (LANL)
        • Kevin Hiers (USGS)
        • Jason Knievel (NCAR)
        • Adam Kochanski (San Jose State University)
      • Break
      • Lightning talks summarizing prior needs assessments relevant to the Workshop agenda (5-7 min each):
        • NLI Rapid Fire Needs assessment
        • NASA Fire Needs Scoping Results
        • NSF Needs Assessment Workshop
        • USGS Needs Assessment
    • Breakout room discussions
    • Report outs and concluding remarks

    Organizing committee: Marc Stieglitz, Paul F Steblein, Lesley E. Ott, Olga Tweedy, Dave Turner, Gerald Geernaert, Stan Benjamin, Toral Patel-Weynand, Kurt Preston, and James Furman.


    • Olga Tweedy, DOE Earth and Environmental System Modeling (EESM) program

    This article is a part of the E3SM “Floating Points” Newsletter, to read the full Newsletter check:

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