2019 E3SM Fall Awards

  • December 4, 2019
  • Awards,Event Announcement
  • E3SM Recognizes Exceptional Contributions

    Dr. Sharlene Weatherwax, Associate Director of Science for Biological and Environmental Research (BER) within the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, presented the Outstanding Contribution Awards at the 2019 E3SM Fall All-Hands Meeting in Arlington in November 2019.

    Two team members received awards for their contributions to the E3SM project:

    Xylar Asay-Davis was nominated by three groups – Water Cycle, Cryosphere, and Infrastructure. He has provided extraordinary level of software support to the entire E3SM project by maintaining and regularly updating the “E3SM-unified” software environment on multiple HPC platforms. This environment greatly improves scientific productivity within the project and fosters collaboration outside the project. Xylar has also provided leadership on a range of CMIP6 activities in the rapidly expanding field of ice sheet and ocean interactions.

    Xiaoying Shi was nominated by Biogeochemical Cycles Group. She has devoted countless hours to configuring, testing, running, and analyzing the v1 BGC simulations. She has implemented about a dozen compsets, testing many of them and providing support to other team members for the others. She has run three coupled model simulations and is about to start three more. She has also helped run diagnostics on all of the BGC simulations, including those she has run and those run by others.

    Outstanding Contribution Awards:

    • Xylar Asay-Davis
      • For his extraordinary level of effort in maintaining and updating the E3SM-Unified software environment on multiple HPC platforms to the benefit of the full E3SM project.
    • Xiaoying Shi
      • For devoting countless hours to configuring, testing, running, and analyzing the E3SM v1 BGC simulations including testing and implementing over 20 simulation compsets.
    Image of Sally McFarlane and Sharlene Weatherwax

    Sally McFarlane, Elizabeth Hunke, and Sharlene Weatherwax

    Image of Xylar Asay-Davis

    Xylar Asay-Davis

    In Xylar Asay-Davis’ absence, one of his supervisors, Elizabeth Hunke, accepted the award on Xylar’s behalf (right).


    In the image to the right, the following are pictured left to right:

    Dr. Sally McFarlane, DOE Program Manager, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER).

    Dr. Elizabeth Hunke, LANL.

    Dr. Sharlene Weatherwax, Associate Director of Science for Biological and Environmental Research (BER) within the Department of Energy’s Office of Science.




    2019 Fall E3SM Award - Xiaoying Shi

    Sally McFarlane, Xiaoying Shi, and Sharlene Weatherwax

    Left to right:

    Dr. Sally McFarlane, DOE Program Manager, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER).

    Dr. Xiaoying Shi, ORNL.

    Dr. Sharlene Weatherwax, Associate Director of Science for Biological and Environmental Research (BER) within the Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

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