AI4ESP White Paper Call

  • February 23, 2021
  • Event Announcement,Home Page Feature
  • Schematic of the Model Observation/Experiment (ModEx) approach to scientific discovery

    Schematic of the Model Observation/Experiment (ModEx) approach to scientific discovery (outer ring) and various DOE data, models and analysis capabilities that should be linked as community resources based on open science principles (inner sphere) [from the call for white papers].

    In late 2020, DOE issued a call for white papers intended to “inform the design of three sequential workshops ([to be] conducted in 2021-2022) focused on answering the following overarching question of: How can DOE directly leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to engineer a substantial (paradigm-changing) improvement in earth system predictability?” The white papers were due on Monday, February 15, 2021, and approximately 150 papers were received. They will be posted publicly on a website and be made available in advance of the workshops for review by participant and general public engagement. Please join the AI4ESP Slack workspace for Q&A and any additional questions you may have.

    To read more, see the original call for white papers as well as a short news story about the call on DOE’s Biological and Environmental Research (BER), Earth and Environmental System Sciences Division (EESSD) website.

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